
DIY Laundry Soap

I made the switch to homemade laundry soap a year ago and have been really happy with the results. Having 3 kids and 2 adults in the house we do many loads every week so I wanted something fairly simple to make and affordable. It only contains 3 common ingredients which I like as well.


15 oz Castile Bar Soap

4 lbs Baking Soda

3.7 lbs Super Washing Soda

Grate bar soap very finely and mix in with dry ingredients. Store in an air tight, sealed container. Add 2 TBSP to load of laundry.

bar of castile soap
ready to be grated!
grate until its a fine consistency
combine ingredients slowly and mix as you go to thoroughly mix
stored in an air tight container and ready to go

Grating the bar soap is the hardest part of the whole thing so I put the bars through my food processor, making it quick and easy to complete. You want to make sure the bars are grated down nice and fine so after grating, I pulse it to break it down even further.

A full load takes 2 Tbsp of soap and you could add a few drops of essential oils to the mix or to the washer if you wanted to add a nice scent.

One batch of soap makes about 16 cups, allowing me to do 128 loads, so it lasts quite awhile. Prices fluctuate on the ingredients but it costs me around $0.16/load, that price is hard to beat!

Items linked below!

Hi! I’m Emily Saladino and I am excited to be sharing ideas on lifestyle, homemaking, child rearing and spiritual growth. My husband, Josh, and I have 3 kids that we are raising in western Michigan where I am originally from. We aren’t in our forever home yet – in the process of searching and praying for the perfect piece of land or existing house that just speaks to us – out in the country with space to roam. Both of us are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and I work part time to stay home with the kids the majority of the week. I enjoy decorating, fashion, cooking and overall management of our home – striving to make it healthy, happy and slowing down the pace of life. Hopefully this page can be a place of inspiration and add value to your day