
Little Hands

My Christmas tree this year is definitely not pinterest or instagram worthy – in fact, it has looked rough for several weeks. It didn’t start the holiday season that way but over the weeks leading up to the big day garland has been tugged on and my handmade bows crumpled as they have been taken on and off the tree multiple times a day. Eventually all those plaid and velvet ribbon crumpled bows ended up in a pile at the top of the tree and out of reach for those 6 little hands belonging to our 3 kids. 

Its progress though that the tree is still upright – 2 years ago our oldest son, then 2.5 would push the tree completely over each morning and afternoon……and evening until we just decided to leave it on its side until he went to bed for the night. 

In another couple of years I look forward to a pretty tree with all my breakable ornaments perfectly placed, ribbons and bows curled and fluffed. It will be pretty and I will enjoy having a pretty tree again. But “another couple of years” from now means that those little hands will be bigger and while we will be continuing to make memories and enjoying that phase of their childhood I will reminisce on when they were babies and toddlers 2 years prior.

Christmas is over and I’m starting to take all of my decorations down. I’m looking at my disheveled tree one last time and while I look forward to a pretty tree, I’m going to miss those 6 curious and sweet little hands.

Hi! I’m Emily Saladino and I am excited to be sharing ideas on lifestyle, homemaking, child rearing and spiritual growth. My husband, Josh, and I have 3 kids that we are raising in western Michigan where I am originally from. We aren’t in our forever home yet – in the process of searching and praying for the perfect piece of land or existing house that just speaks to us – out in the country with space to roam. Both of us are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and I work part time to stay home with the kids the majority of the week. I enjoy decorating, fashion, cooking and overall management of our home – striving to make it healthy, happy and slowing down the pace of life. Hopefully this page can be a place of inspiration and add value to your day