
Kids Chore Chart

We decided to find a chore that our two older kids could do to help around the house, they are 2 & 4 so it needed to be fairly simple. So, now they each help clear the table of dishes after a meal time. In return, they get to put a sticker on a chart that has their name on it and when they get 10 stickers, they will get a little toy. It will be something small like a matchbox car or bubbles. 

They get so excited now to get their chore done and even get excited for each other when they get to pick a sticker to add to their collection. Generally they are happy little helpers but this gives them something of their own to do. As they get older we will add to their responsibilities, not always with physical rewards, as appropriate and this has felt like a good start! 

decisions, decisions

We keep the chart on the refrigerator so they can keep track. They frequently like to get it down and count their stickers and talk about what they might want after they get all 10, it’s very sweet. Honestly, offering a toy was probably premature as they seem quite happy just picking out a sticker for their chart! Parent lesson learned!

I attached a PDF copy of their chore chart for easy printing if you want to give it a try! We have been printing it on colored construction paper to give it some extra pizazz.

Hi! I’m Emily Saladino and I am excited to be sharing ideas on lifestyle, homemaking, child rearing and spiritual growth. My husband, Josh, and I have 3 kids that we are raising in western Michigan where I am originally from. We aren’t in our forever home yet – in the process of searching and praying for the perfect piece of land or existing house that just speaks to us – out in the country with space to roam. Both of us are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and I work part time to stay home with the kids the majority of the week. I enjoy decorating, fashion, cooking and overall management of our home – striving to make it healthy, happy and slowing down the pace of life. Hopefully this page can be a place of inspiration and add value to your day